Monday, June 24, 2024

Embracing Boundaries and Personal Growth: My Journey of Self-Discovery

This past weekend was a real eye-opener for me. For a long time, I would always ask, "Why me?" whenever life threw challenges my way. I often found myself complaining and feeling misunderstood about the cards I was dealt. But now, I couldn't be more grateful for those very experiences.

I've had my share of traumas, some of which were a result of my own actions. But let me tell you, it feels incredibly empowering to finally defend my boundaries. Setting boundaries has been a struggle for me, likely due to growing up in a family where boundaries were virtually non-existent. However, I've come to realize that people may not always understand my boundaries, and some might even view it as burning bridges. That’s their perspective, and it’s okay.

Being open to having our perspectives challenged is essential. It forces us to take an inventory of our lives and make adjustments when necessary. For me, letting go of my past has involved putting up strict boundaries regarding who I want to keep in my present and future.

For far too long, I felt like I was falling behind in terms of my career and my relationships with family and friends. But it turns out that even though I felt behind, I was actually keeping pace or, in some cases, even ahead. I’ve now come to understand that not everyone will understand my journey. But those who choose to see me for who I am today will be the ones sitting at my table.

I am profoundly grateful for each phase of my life. The challenges, the growth, and the insights have all been invaluable. As I look forward to the future, I do so with a sense of excitement and anticipation.

If you're struggling with boundaries or feeling like you're not where you should be in life, I hope my story inspires you. It’s okay to take your time, to set boundaries, and to let go of those who don't support your journey. Embrace each phase of your life and look forward to the future with optimism.

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