Monday, August 26, 2024

Breaking the Status Quo: A Personal Reflection on Identity, Stereotypes, and the Fight for Change

This past weekend was a busy one. Between donating, celebrating my nephew’s birthday, and making time to hang out with new friends, I barely had a moment to myself. As I moved from one activity to the next, I realized how crucial it is to carve out time for myself. Lately, it seems that my own company has become the most important, perhaps because it’s in those quiet moments that I can truly reflect on my experiences and the world around me.

One of the reflections that hit me hard this weekend is how tired I am of the status quo that surrounds me. Whether it’s in the workplace or in my social circles, I see too many people who are afraid to stand up and speak out for themselves. This observation made me think more deeply about my own journey and the challenges I’ve faced—and continue to face—as a Honduran woman living in the United States.

My journey to becoming a U.S. citizen wasn’t easy. I only received my green card in 2018, and by 2023, I proudly became a U.S. citizen. However, even with this achievement, I can’t escape the stigma that society has created about me. You see, because I come from Honduras, there are certain expectations—or rather, lack of expectations—placed upon me. People often don’t expect me to speak multiple languages or to be educated. These assumptions are frustrating and exhausting to deal with on a daily basis.

It’s particularly disheartening because, in many ways, I don’t fit the stereotypical image that people might have. My skin is white, which leads me to wonder: if I were dark-skinned, would the prejudice I face be even worse? In the U.S., prejudice isn’t a one-way street. It works in multiple directions, with minorities often pitted against whites and, even more tragically, minorities pitted against each other.

What’s even more troubling is how deeply ingrained these stereotypes are. The rhetoric that Americans and Europeans have historically created about developing countries—rhetoric used to justify conquest, colonization, and destruction—still permeates our society today. It’s so deeply embedded that many people don’t even realize when they are acting upon these biases.

But here’s the thing: I refuse to let this status quo continue unchallenged. I refuse to be silent in the face of ignorance and prejudice. I believe it’s time for all of us—regardless of our backgrounds—to stand up, speak out, and challenge the stereotypes that hold us back. We need to create a world where people are seen for who they truly are, not where they come from or what they look like.

This is my commitment: to fight against the stereotypes and biases that still exist in our society, and to help create a world where everyone is valued for their unique contributions. It won’t be easy, but change never is. And as I continue on this journey, I hope to inspire others to do the same.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Finding Grace in the Midst of Life’s Challenges

Some days, life seems to show signs of improvement—moments when the weight lifts just a little, and you can finally catch your breath. But then, without warning, you’re reminded of how fragile life truly is. This week has been one of those times for me, a stark reminder of the difficulties that come with having a sick parent far away, especially when you have no close family nearby to lean on.

The struggle is real, and it cuts deep. My heart aches for the power and resources to bring my dad to the United States, to provide him with the care he needs and deserves. I wish I were in a position to do more for my parents, to offer them the security and comfort they have given me throughout my life. Yet, the reality is that I am not there—at least not yet.

This journey has left me feeling misunderstood. For so long, I’ve tried to explain myself, to make others see my heart and my intentions, but the effort often feels futile. At work, I get reprimanded for being too proactive, while at home, I’m told I’m not prudent enough. It’s a constant struggle to be "good enough," and it’s left me wondering if I ever will be.

The truth is, I may never be good enough for everyone, but I know I am good enough for God. That’s a truth I hold onto when the world feels overwhelming. Yet, there’s a part of me that wishes I could blend in more. All my life, I’ve stood out—sometimes for good reasons, other times for reasons I’d rather forget. Now, I find myself just wanting to be invisible, to move through life unnoticed, free from the constant scrutiny and judgment.

But here’s the thing: blending in isn’t my path. I’m learning that it’s okay to stand out, to be different, even if it feels lonely or exhausting. My hope is that God will work in all our hearts, helping us to recognize the immense grace we’ve been given and to extend that grace to others. We all need it, perhaps more than we realize.

Life’s challenges can make us feel isolated, like we’re carrying burdens that no one else can see or understand. But in those moments, I try to remember that I’m never truly alone. God sees me, knows me, and loves me just as I am. My worth isn’t defined by others’ expectations or judgments, but by the grace and love that God offers so freely.

So, if you’re feeling like I am—tired, misunderstood, and yearning for something more—know that it’s okay. It’s okay to rest, to lean on your faith, and to give yourself permission to be human.

You don’t have to carry everything on your own. You are enough, just as you are, and even in the moments when you feel invisible, you are seen and loved by the One who matters most.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Bridging the Distance: Overcoming Ego and Pride in Relationships

Relationships are never easy, especially when distance—whether physical, emotional, or both—stands between two people who care deeply about each other. Sometimes, the hardest battles we face are with ourselves, as our ego and pride step in, creating walls that hinder connection and understanding.

The Struggle with Distance

How do you show someone what you truly feel when they're far away? How can you express your emotions when it feels like your words aren’t being understood? These questions often leave us feeling frustrated, isolated, and helpless. Distance can amplify misunderstandings and create a sense of detachment, making it even harder to communicate effectively.

But what if the real challenge isn’t just the miles between us, but the walls we’ve built within ourselves?

Ego and Pride: The Invisible Barriers

Ego and pride often act as our shields, protecting us from vulnerability and the fear of rejection. However, in relationships, these shields can become barriers that prevent us from truly connecting with our partners. When we let ego dictate our actions, we might find ourselves saying things we don’t mean, withholding affection, or refusing to admit when we’re wrong. Pride, on the other hand, can stop us from reaching out, apologizing, or showing that we care.

The result? A growing distance that has nothing to do with geography and everything to do with our inability to let go of these protective yet destructive emotions.

Bridging the Gap

So, how do we bridge this gap? How do we show our partners what we truly feel, even when it feels like there’s an ocean between us?

Embrace Vulnerability: Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Share your fears, your hopes, and your love without holding back. Vulnerability is not a weakness; it’s a powerful way to show that you care.

Communicate Openly: Honest communication is key. Talk about your feelings, your needs, and your concerns without letting pride interfere. Listen with the intent to understand, not just to respond.

Make Small Gestures Count: Sometimes, it’s the little things that matter most. A heartfelt message, a letter, or even a simple “I miss you” can go a long way in showing that you’re thinking about them.

Focus on Solutions, Not Problems: Instead of dwelling on what’s gone wrong, focus on finding ways to move forward. Address the issues that are creating distance, but do so with the intent of finding solutions, not assigning blame.

Be Patient: Healing and understanding take time. Be patient with yourself and your partner as you work through the challenges. Remember that every step forward, no matter how small, is progress.

Letting Love Lead

In the end, love is stronger than ego or pride. It’s what brings us together, despite the challenges we face. By letting go of these barriers and embracing open communication, vulnerability, and patience, we can bridge the distance and find our way back to each other.

Remember, it’s not about winning or losing—it’s about finding a way to be together, to understand each other, and to build a relationship that’s rooted in love and mutual respect.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Embracing Growth: A Season of Clarity and Renewal

As I was driving to work today, I found myself marveling at how Chicago has prioritized trees and the environment. We're at that beautiful transition where summer is gently giving way to fall, and soon, the city will be painted with the vibrant hues of the season. It's a time of reflection and change, and lately, I've been thinking a lot about the journey I've been on.

This past month, I've felt like I was drowning in murky waters, unable to find stillness. It’s as though the more I tried to push through, the more overwhelmed I became. This season has left me feeling both isolated and exposed—pouring out my soul only to watch everything crumble around me. But from that, I’ve learned an important lesson: sometimes, we need to let go and allow clarity to emerge on its own.

I'm happy to share that I've decided to stay in my current role. It wasn’t an easy decision, especially with the emotional turbulence I’ve been experiencing. But I've worked too hard to get to where I am, and I refuse to let fleeting emotions dictate my path. I’ve grown so much over the last seven years—completing my undergrad, becoming a researcher, and now, preparing to start my master’s degree. Soon, I’ll also be embarking on my own project, something I’ve dreamed about for a long time.

I realize now that I’ve been so laser-focused on the changes happening around me that I lost sight of the bigger picture. But clarity is finally setting in, and my vision is expanding once again. I’m excited for what’s ahead because I know that with preparation and discipline, I’ll be ready for whatever comes my way.

When it comes to my personal life, particularly dating, I’m recognizing that I still have some healing to do. I had hoped that the man I want to marry would come back and that things could be worked out. But I’m learning to surrender this hope to God, trusting that His plan requires my obedience and faith. This realization has allowed me to catch my breath and refocus on growing in my professional role.

This season of transition is bringing with it a renewed sense of purpose and direction. I’m excited for the future, knowing that with the right mindset and determination, I can achieve great things. Here's to embracing growth, clarity, and the beautiful journey ahead.